| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
OP.1 An integrated process has been established and is utilized to effectively plan, authorize and
execute the identified work for the facility or activity. (CE II-4)
1. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place to ensure that work planning is integrated at
the individual maintenance or activity level fully analyzes hazards and develops appropriate
2. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place which ensure that there is a process used to
confirm that the facility or activity and the operational work force are in an adequate state of
readiness prior to authorizing the performance of the work.
3. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place which ensure that there is a process used to
gain authorization to conduct operations.
4. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place which ensure that safety requirements are
integrated into work performance.
5. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place which ensure that adequate performance
measures and indicators, including safety performance measures are established for the work.
6. Workers (see definition) actively participate in the work planning process.
7. Procedures and/or mechanisms demonstrate effective integration of safety management.
Record Review: Review documents and/or mechanisms that govern the process for planning,
authorizing, and conducting work with emphasis on the individual maintenance or activity
level. Evaluate the adequacy of the division of responsibilities, worker involvement, and
work authorization process. Review the performance measures and performance indicators
established to determine that these tools provide information that is truly a direct indicator of
how safely the work is being performed. Review the mechanisms used to prepare
authorization agreements and protocols. Review these documents to determine if they are
adequate, that they demonstrate effective integration, and that proper procedures were
followed to prepare, review, and approve them.
Interviews: Interview personnel responsible for authorizing, performing, and measuring the
performance of the work. This should include personnel such as those responsible for
preparing and maintaining documents such as the Plan of the Day (POD), equipment status
files, pre-job briefings, and the conduct of facility or activity operations. Interview personnel
responsible for development of maintenance or individual activity procedures and controls.
Verify adequate worker involvement at each step of the process.
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