| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
The following lessons learned were developed during the conduct of a Phase II verification of the
contractor' ISMS implementation at FB-Line at the Savannah River Site. These lessons learned
apply specifically to this facility and may not be directly applicable to Phase II ISMS verifications
at other locations.
1. Team Size. A 13-member team was assembled for this verification. The team consisted of
DOE-HQ, DOE-SR, and independent contractor personnel who conducted the review over a four
day period. Most of the team members had recent ORR experience at SRS or were familiar with
site programs in the functional areas assigned. This team composition was adequate for a facility
level review of this magnitude. As in the Phase I review, the following team member experience
is considered beneficial in conducting ISMS verifications:
Expertise in a functional area
Site experience (especially familiarity and understanding of site programs)
Assessment experience (Assessment/Audits/ORRs)
ISMS training (Knowledge of ISMS Policy, Guide, and Verification Team Leader's
2. Functional Areas Selected for Review. The purpose of the review was to evaluate the
facility management' ability to identify and control work, to conform to the processes for control
of operations and maintenance, and to learn from the effort. Five functional areas were
established for the review. These areas were selected:
C Define the Scope of the Work
C Feedback and Continuous Improvement
C Operations (including analyzing hazards, identify and establish controls, and perform
C Maintenance (including analyzing hazards, identify and establish controls, and perform
C DOE Savannah River Site Office
These functional areas were selected so that personnel having expertise in these areas could be
assigned to a logical grouping of effort for the review. The Operations and Maintenance
functional areas are the two areas used at this facility that provide a practical review approach to
determine the effectiveness of the implementation of integrated safety management. Three SMEs
were selected to provide expertise to the operations and maintenance functional areas of the
review. Two SMEs provided expertise in the areas of radiological controls and industrial
hygiene. A third SME provided expertise in the areas of criticality safety and the authorization
safety basis. The functional areas appeared to be a good selection and permitted an adequate
review of the safety functions of ISMS. Similar functional areas are recommended for Phase II
ISMS verification reviews of a nuclear facility.
3. Criteria and Review Approach Document (CRAD) Development. The CRADs developed
for Phase II verification were developed in a format similar to CRADs used during Operational
Readiness Reviews (ORRs) and were written to address the five core safety functions. They
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