| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
SME.1 Within the individual subject area the planning of work includes an integrated analysis of
hazards and development and specification of necessary controls. There is an adequate process
for the authorization and control of work and a process for identifying opportunities for feedback
and continuous improvement. Within the individual subject area, line managers are responsible
for safety; clear roles and responsibilities have been established; and there is a satisfactory level of
competence. (CE II-2, CE II-3, CE II-4, CE II-5, CE II-6)
1. Procedures and/or mechanisms for the individual subject area require adequate planning of
individual work items to ensure that hazards are analyzed and controls are identified.
2. Procedures and/or mechanisms for the individual subject area contain clear roles and
responsibilities. The individual subject area is effectively integrated with line support
managers to ensure that line managers are responsible for safety.
3. Procedures and/or mechanisms for the individual subject area require controls to be
implemented, that these controls are effectively integrated, and readiness is confirmed prior to
performing work.
4. Procedures and/or mechanisms for the individual subject area require that personnel who
are assigned to the subject area have a satisfactory level of competence.
5. Procedures and/or mechanisms for the individual subject area require that within the
subject area feedback and continuous improvement results.
Record Review: Review the manuals of practice and selected records that define the
procedures and interactions required for the subject area at the facility or activity. Assess the
adequacy of the documents to meet the criteria above and determine that the individual
subject area is effectively integrated into the facility or activity procedures. Review any
lessons learned that provide an opportunity to assess that lessons learned have been
effectively used within the subject area. Review training records of personnel in the subject
area to determine that they meet competency standards.
Interviews: Interview personnel and responsible managers in the subject area assigned.
Interview line managers to assess the establishment of clear roles and responsibilities and the
understanding of the support provided to line managers. Interview personnel assigned to the
subject area to assess the level of competence.
Observations: Observe events such as the development of a procedure, development of a
hazards analysis such as a radiological work permit or job hazard analysis, or the approval
process for an individual work item, which includes interactions with personnel of the subject
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