| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
Performance Objectives and Criteria for Technical Safety Appraisals, Rev. 1 (May 1987): Describes the
objectives and criteria to be used for DOE Technical Safety Appraisals.
Federal Response Plan (December 20, 1990): Provides for Federal response actions to support State
Governors in saving life and protecting property in response to natural disasters, including earthquakes, or
other emergencies.
the Federal Government response to radiological emergencies in support of Federal, state, and local
government agencies.
Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan, contained in the Federal Radiological Emergency
Response Plan: Coordinates Federal offsite radiological monitoring and assessment with that of the affected
Federal Preparedness Circular 60, Continuity of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government at the
Headquarters Level During National Security Emergencies (November 20, 1990): Provides guidance to
the Federal departments and agencies on measures required to preserve the continuity of the civil elements
of the Federal Government and ensure Executive Branch performance of essential functions during national
security emergencies.
Federal Preparedness Circular 64, Continuity of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government at the
Regional Level During National Security Emergencies (November 20, 1990): Provides general guidance
to all Federal departments and agencies on the preservation of regional continuity of the civil elements of the
Federal Government during national security emergencies.
Emergency Management Training Program Guide to Good Practice, developed by the Emergency
Management Division of DOE-DP and the Training Resources and Data Exchange (TRADE) Emergency
Management Issues Interest Group (EMI SIG): Provides framework for the development and management
of training programs that meet requirements and conditions established by DOE.
An Analysis of 1990 Tiger Team Assessments of Emergency Management Issues, developed by the
Emergency Management Division of DOE-DP and the Training Resources and Data Exchange (TRADE)
Emergency Management Issues Interest Group (EMI SIG): Provides discussion of issues relevant to training
in emergency management.
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