| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
31. Emergency Response: The implementation of planning and preparedness during an emergency involving
the effective decisions, actions, and application of resources that must be accomplished to mitigate
consequences and recover from an emergency.
32. Emergency Response Organization (ERO): The designated group(s) of personnel responsible for coping
with and minimizing or mitigating the effects of any emergency.
33. Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPGs): A hazardous material personnel exposure level or
range which, when exceeded by a short term or acute exposure, will cause irreversible or other serious health
effects in humans. The ERPGs are approved by a committee of the American Industrial Hygiene
Association, and are presented in the American Industrial Hygiene Association's Emergency Response
Planning Guidelines Series by AIHA Emergency Response Planning Committee, published by the American
Industrial Hygiene Association, Akron Ohio, 1988 - present.
34. Energy Emergency: A category of emergencies involving a condition or a potential condition affecting the
supply of energy or the energy infrastructure with significant potential impact on the national economy or
security, defense preparedness, and/or health and safety.
35. Energy Executive Committee: A committee, established by SEN-19-90, consisting of Program Senior
Officials convened to improve executive oversight and coordination of long-term, crosscutting issues by
recommending broad policies for DOE. (Also known as the Secretary's Executive Committee.)
36. Event: Any real-time occurrence or significant deviation from planned or expected behavior that could
endanger or adversely affect people, property, or the environment.
37. Executive Team: A component of the Headquarters Emergency Management Team. The HQ Executive
Team provides strategic direction to the emergency response and evaluates the impacts of the emergency
on the DOE complex.
38. Exercise: A scheduled and planned large-scale activity that tests the integrated capability and most aspects
of the emergency management program associated with a particular DOE facility.
39. Extremely Hazardous Substance: Per EPCRA (SARA Title III), a substance listed by the EPA as
extremely hazardous in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendices A and B. Possession of an extremely hazardous
substance in an amount over the threshold listed in the regulations will subject a facility to emergency
planning requirements under EPCRA (SARA Title III).
40. Facility: Any equipment, structure, system, process, or activity that fulfills a specific purpose. Examples
include accelerators, storage areas, fusion research devices, nuclear reactors, production or processing
plants, coal conversion plants, magnetohydrodynamics experiments, windmills, radioactive waste disposal
systems and burial grounds, testing laboratories, research laboratories, transportation activities, and
accommodations for analytical examinations of irradiated and unirradiated components.
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