| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
As stated in the Introduction to Emergency Management Guide EMG, the EMGs
provide ". . . an acceptable approach to emergency planning activities at DOE
facilities and sites. Other approaches may be used provided that they are
approved by the Cognizant Secretarial Officer (CSO), with the concurrence of the
Director of Emergency Operations (DEO)."
Guidance derived from general rules of good practice are not requirements but are
recommended to enhance preparedness.
Each emergency plan should be supplemented by specific implementing procedures. As noted in the
Introduction to Emergency Management Guide EMG, emergency procedures "contain the detailed
information and specific instructions for emergency response personnel to implement the emergency
plan." In general, guidance items may be addressed in the plan or in written implementing procedures,
as long as a reference is provided indicating where the item is covered. In some cases the guidance
specifies that material be included in procedures.
To facilitate the review process, each office submitting an emergency plan for evaluation should cross-
reference the plan to the guidance in Section B of this document. Specifically, a copy of the Section B
checklist should accompany the plan with the "applicability and plan reference" lines filled in. For each
such line, the office submitting the plan should provide one of the following:
A reference to the specific subsection of the plan where that guidance is addressed.
If the guidance is addressed in another document, a reference to that document.
In some cases, some elements of the guidance may be addressed in emergency
plans other than the Operational Emergency Plan. Where that is the case, a
general reference to the other plan should be provided. As mentioned in section
A.1, Guidance elements that are derived solely from regulatory requirements are
marked with an asterisk (*) next to the "applicability and plan reference" line. It
is recognized that at some locations, those elements may be covered under other,
separate emergency plans rather than the Operational Emergency Plan.
If the guidance is not applicable, a statement to that effect. In some cases,
guidance may not be applicable for a particular plan; for example, guidance
pertaining to radiological monitoring may not be applicable to the emergency plan
for a facility that does not handle radioactive material.
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