| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Affected Persons
Individuals who have been exposed or physically injured as a result of an
accident to a degree requiring special attention, e.g., decontamination,
first aid, or medical services.
Assessment Actions
Those actions taken prior to, during or after an accident which are
collectively necessary to make decisions to implement specific emergency
Corrective Actions
Those emergency measures taken to ameliorate or terminate an
emergency situation at or near the source of the problem.
Emergency Action
Radiological dose rates; specific contamination levels of airborne, water-
borne, or surface-deposited concentrations of radioactivity; or specific
instrument readings that may be used as thresholds for initiating specific
emergency measures.
Equipment, structure, system, process, or activity that fulfills a specific
purpose. Examples include accelerators, storage areas, fusion research
devices, and research laboratories.
Are those radiological and non-radiological accidents and events
associated with the serious degradation of safety or security at a DOE
owned or leased Research & Development facility, operation, or activity.
Protective Actions
Those emergency measures taken after an uncontrolled release of
radioactive material has occurred for the purpose of preventing or
minimizing radiological exposures to persons that would be likely to
occur if the actions were not taken.
Population at Risk
Those persons for whom protective actions are or would be taken.
Recovery Actions
Those actions taken after the emergency to restore the plant as nearly as
possible to its pre-emergency condition.
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