| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Interaction Loads - Interaction loads should include the loads imposed on the tritium
systems by adjacent systems during normal or fault conditions.
Natural Phenomena Loads - Natural phenomena hazard loads should include loads
resulting from earthquake, wind, flood, tsunami and seiche. UCRL-15910 provides
guideline methods for establishing load levels and for evaluating the response of
structures, systems and components to the load levels.
Hydrogen Detonation Loads - Hydrogen detonation loads should include the mechanical
and thermal effects of tritium, deuterium and protium ignition or detonation, if the safety
analysis includes such failure as a design basis accident.
Missile Impact Loads - Missile impact loads should include missiles and pipe whip
resulting from failure of high energy systems, if the safety analysis includes such failure
as a design basis accident.
2. Combined Loads
Table I-1 lists the load combination which the design should consider for normal and anticipated off-
normal operations.
Because maintenance involves isolating, depressurizing and evacuating a system, the load during
maintenance is the static load only.
3. Cyclic Loads
Tritium systems are subject to thermal and pressure cyclic loadings during normal and anticipated off-
normal operation and maintenance. An evaluation should determine if a formal fatigue analysis is
necessary. ASME 93a or comparable computational methods provide criteria for the evaluation
which should use a conservative analysis for the number of cycles and service life including the
expected changes in material properties with time.
Structural Acceptance Criteria
Tritium systems that are safety-class should have design, fabrication, inspection and testing in
accordance with a recognized safety-class code such as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
The specific codes and criteria selected should be commensurate with the level of safety required and
should have a technical justification.
Tritium systems that are NOT safety-class should have design, fabrication, inspection and testing in
accordance with a recognized national consensus code such as the ANSI/ASME Standard B31.3
"Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping" (ANSI 93).
Structures, systems and components near a tritium system should be safety-class if their credible
failure could impact the safety function of a tritium system.
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