| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Cyclic Loading
The vacuum vessel and its supports are subject to cyclic loading during normal operations. Thermal
cycling and unavoidable plasma disruption loads are expected. The necessity of a fatigue analysis
should be evaluated based on the criteria of ASME 93 or comparable safety-related code using
conservative values for variables such as number of pulses, percentage of pulses that have disruptions,
and service life including expected changes in material properties with time. Cyclic loading must be
defined on load/time diagrams so that a fatigue analysis, if necessary, can be performed.
Structural Acceptance Criteria
Vacuum vessel
The vacuum vessel and its appendages should be designed, fabricated, inspected, and tested in
accordance with a recognized safety-related code such as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code. The design of the fusion facility components which is outside the scope of conventional codes
or standards due to design temperature, materials selection and/or any other design feature, should
meet the safety design criteria of this Fusion Safety Standard and should employ a design and analysis
methodology which is consistent with requirements of a recognized safety-related code.
Piping, Pumps and Valves
Piping, pumps and valves should be designed in accordance with relevant criteria in ASME 93 or a
comparable safety-related code.
Hardware internal or adjacent to the vacuum vessel whose credible failure could impact the safety
function of the vacuum vessel should be classified as safety-class components or items.
Deflection Analysis
Vacuum vessel deflections should be calculated and analyzed to determine potential interferences and
to verify seal integrity.
Weld Inspection
Non-destructive examination should be performed in accordance with Section V of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code as modified by Section III, Article NC-5111 or approved equal. Non-
destructive test personnel qualification and weld acceptance criteria are found in Article NC-5000 of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or approved equal.
Pressure Test
1. Vacuum Vessel - All vacuum vessels that provide a containment barrier should be leak checked
before initial operations and periodically thereafter and meet the requirements specified in the
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