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Design Considerations
The tritium primary confinement is the pressure (or vacuum) boundary, wetted routinely by tritium,
outside the fusion machine' vacuum vessel and associated vacuum system. Gages, stubs or other
pressure-containing hardware attached to a safety-class primary confinement subsystem are safety-
class components and design should have them serve as confinement barriers for all operational and
accident modes of the tritium primary confinement.
Radiation Shielding
Radiation shielding is not a design consideration for tritium systems. Tritium decays to a stable
element, helium (3He) by emission of low energy beta radiation, maximum 0.0185 MeV and average
0.0057 MeV. The maximum range (i.e., density thickness) of beta particles, about 0.6 mg/cm2, is less
than the generally accepted 7 mg/cm2 thickness of the epidermis of the skin. The beta radiation is
easily and completely shielded by a relatively thin layer of almost any material, including the materials
of the tritium confinement system. Thus, if the primary confinement system is leak tight, tritium poses
no radiological hazard to operating personnel.
Confinement Barriers
Tritium primary confinement is a major design consideration because tritium is difficult to contain.
As noted above, tritium is not an external radiation hazard. However, when tritium is oxidized and
ingested it produces a significant internal dose. Regardless of the care taken to assure physical
integrity and leak tightness of the confinement, small quantities of tritium will escape at the various
process connections during normal operations. Additionally, an increased level of loss will occur
during maintenance operations which usually breach the primary barrier. By escaping to unwanted
areas and reacting with normally present materials, tritium can create significant biological hazards.
For example, tritiated water (tritium oxide) is a water molecule in which one or both of the hydrogen
atoms is a tritium atom rather than the normal protium, e.g., T2O, HTO, DTO. Tritiated water is on
the order of 104 times more hazardous to humans than elemental tritium. The human radiation dose
hazard is through inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin.
Because tritium is very mobile and can create a biological hazard, tritium systems must have barriers
to protect personnel and the environment from tritium and its compounds.
As a minimum, a tritium system should have primary and secondary confinements. If the safety
analysis determines that tritium systems, or certain components, require tertiary or higher order
confinements, the design should provide for these confinements in a similar manner as secondary
confinement as discussed below.
The primary confinement system should consist of piping, tubing, valves, fittings, equipment and
instrumentation components that define the pressure boundary of the tritium systems. The primary
confinement system is normally a closed system in direct contact with tritium and containing it for
conditions ranging from vacuum to full system pressure. Physical integrity is assured by compliance
with the applicable ASME Code for boiler and pressure vessels, or equivalent Codes. If the safety
analysis determines a portion or all of tritium primary confinement to be a safety-class system, the

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