| DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Design Guidance for Typical Systems
Typical remote handling systems and equipment include:
CCTV ( Closed Circuit television )
Electro-Mechanical Manipulator
Master Slave manipulators
Remote ("Hanford") Connector System
Specialized Tools (Reach Rods etc.)
Descriptions and design guidance for each type follows.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Closed circuit TV is generally used to monitor the remotely performed handling and operations
activities. The CCTV equipment should meet the electrical performance standards for monochrome
television studio facilities EIA Standard EIA-170-57 Electrical Performance Standards -
Monochrome Television Studio Facilities (Nov., 1957) and EIA Standard IETNTS1 Color Television
Studio Picture Line Amplifier Output Drawing (Nov., 1977) (Partial Revision of EIA-170). CCTV
electrical wiring should be in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
The radiation hardness of the required CCTV system is a function of the particular application, with
significant cost and complexity advantages to the non radiation hardened systems, when they are
applicable. Each application should define its realistic radiation hardness needs.
Electro Mechanical Manipulator
Design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of Electro-Mechanical Manipulator (EMM) should comply
with the requirements of following codes and standards:
NEMA ICS 1-1993 Industrial Control and Systems: General Requirements
NEMA ICS 2 through ICS 10 Industrial Control and Systems
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 1993 Edition
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