| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Tritium Embrittlement
The structural design analysis should use material properties based on tritium and helium
embrittlement for the projected end-of-life.
Penetrations of Confinement Systems
Penetrations should meet the same materials requirements as the penetrated confinement system.
Instrumentation and Controls
Tritium systems design should provide for instrumentation and control to monitor parameters
important to the safety function for normal operation and design basis accidents. The safety analysis
should identify and the design should implement:
1. Instruments to monitor safety-related variables. Primary confinement will typically provide
monitoring for pressure, vacuum, temperature, and the ability to provide batch-based qualitative
gas analysis. Secondary confinement will typically provide for tritium detection, pressure (relative
to ambient or tertiary confinement), and oxygen level (if secondary has a reduced oxygen
atmosphere). Subsequent levels of confinement will provide monitoring abilities commensurate
with the hazard anticipated and the operating conditions of the barrier.
2. Controls to maintain measured variables within prescribed limits and to isolate tritium subsystems
when necessary for safety reasons.
3. The design for safety-class systems, including their ventilation systems, should incorporate
sufficient redundancy and/or diversity to ensure that a single failure will not result in total loss of
instrumentation or control for a safety function.
The power supply for safety-class instrumentation and controls should meet the requirements for
Class 1E electric power systems (IEEE 308).
The different designs and operating characteristics of fusion facilities limit the amount of specific
guidance that these criteria can provide. Existing DOE and NRC design requirements and guidance
documents (IEEE 603, DOE 6430.1A, NUREG-0800, 10CFR50(A), USNRC Regulatory Guides
(RG 1.100 - RG 1.89)) provide helpful general guidance for implementing these criteria at a particular
fusion facility.
Confinement Systems
Tritium systems design should provide for confinement barriers to reduce tritium releases to an
acceptable level. The safety analysis should define and the design should implement appropriate
robustness and leak tightness for the barriers. The confinement system should include as a minimum
primary confinement system and a secondary confinement system. Design should also provide for
tertiary, quaternary or higher orders of confinement if the safety analysis indicates these higher orders
are necessary. The assumption of a single failure within the system does not compromise the
confinement function.
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