| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Metal Hydride Technology
Metal hydridemetal hydride beds technology is multipurpose and has replaced several older
technologies for tritium storage, pumping and hydrogen isotope separation. Hydride beds require less
process space than does conventional equipment.
Hydride beds are metal containers filled with other granular alloys or metals that can absorb hydrogen
isotopes when the beds are cold and desorb the isotopes when the beds are heated. Electrical, gas
heat and cool the hydride beds via shell and tube heat exchangers.
Several types of hydride metals have been successfully used in past applications:
- LANA (lanthanum, nickel, aluminum) for pumping and storage,
- Mischmetal (calcium, mixed rare earth metals, and nickel) for compression,
- Pd/K (palladium-coated kieselguhr) for purification and separation, and
- Uranium for storage.
Tritium Storage Process
Past practices have stored tritium in conventional tankage and on metal hydride beds. Metal hydride
beds provide significant safety advantages because they are low pressure devices and, if maintained
below desorption temperature, will not release tritium should the bed wall rupture. Also, hydride
beds require less process space with no significant sacrifice of storage capacity and are the preferred
storage option for most modern applications.
Purification Process
The purification process removes hydrogen isotopes from other waste gases and then separates the
gases. To separate the hydrogen isotopes from each other, past practices have used four processes:
1. Thermal Diffusion Columns,
2. Chromatograph Columns,
3. Cryogenic Distillation Stills, and
4. Thermal Cycling Absorption Process (TCAP).
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