| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
EPA regulates the type and quantity of facility emission. EPA specifies and must approve the
measurement techniques. EPA sets the limits for exposure to the public and the notification required
when certain quantities of radioactive materials are emitted. State laws usually regulate the facility
outfalls. State requirements are not uniform across the country.
Department of Transportation (DOT) transportation requirements specify packaging requirements
that are dependent on the form and quantity of tritium. DOT must also approve all packaging
containers when the radioactive material is transported on public highways.
Waste storage requirements when mixed hazardous waste may be involved. The EPA administers
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In many cases this authority has been
delegated to the state.
Waste disposal requirements. These are generally state-specific. The details of the state requirements
will not be discussed in this section since they vary widely.
Nuclear Safety Rules
10CFR834 (Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment) (proposed), and 10CFR835
(Occupational Radiation Protection): Current DOE orders that are nuclear safety related are being
reissued as "rules" that are law. Rule requirements were placed on DOE funded nuclear facilities by
the US Congress in the amendments to the Price Anderson Act.
The requirements and implications of the DOE Rules as defined in the 10CFR laws listed above are
still to be determined for tritium control and accountability. Currently, the DOE orders dealing with
nuclear materials control and physical protection will not be released as Rules. Rules specify
requirements that will result in fines and criminal prosecution (as defined in 10CFR820) if they are
not followed. The only rules that have been released are the Occupation Radiation Protection Rule
and Quality Assurance Rule. These will have implication on the procedures and techniques that are
used to determine personnel exposure to tritium and environmental releases of tritium.
Since these requirements are part of the US law, they must be followed by all facilities that handle
tritium or radioactive materials as applicable.
DOE Orders
DOE Orders are requirements placed on DOE facilities that define operations and the methods of
conducting business.
DOE 5633.3B, "Control and Accountability of Nuclear Materials" specified the minimum
requirements and procedures based on the amount of tritium and the form of the tritium in a facility.
Important requirements from this order are:
1. Tritium is treated as a Special Nuclear Material and the reportable transaction quantity is one
hundredth of a gram (approximately 100 Curies).
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