| DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Fusion Facilities which require safety-class electrical systems should be supplied by two independent
off-site sources and one on-site source of electric power to ensure the supply of electric power to
each train of safety-class equipment
The electrical power system equipment that provides the power supply to safety-class systems and
components to perform fusion facility safety functions are classified as safety-class. Other electrical
systems should be non-safety-class (NSC). The safety-class electrical power system should be fed
from the safety bus.
The safety-class electrical equipment defined by the facility safety analysis should be designed in
accordance with the accepted design Standards given in this section. Where alternative methods are
used, justification should be provided in the facility authorization basis.
Equipment that is used for both safety and non-safety functions should be classified as part of the
safety systems. Isolation devices used to effect a safety system boundary should be classified as part
of the safety system.
No credible failure on the non-safety side of an isolation device should prevent any portion of a safety
system from meeting its minimum performance requirements during and following any design basis
accident requiring that safety function. A failure in an isolation device should be evaluated in the
same manner as a failure of other equipment in a safety system.
Potential System Safety Functions
The potential safety functions for the back-up electrical systems are:
1. Normal Operation and Maintenance - Normal and backup power should be on-line or available
to supply safety functions. Specific potential safety functions are:
a) Provide for ability to survive or recover from off-normal events.
b) Monitor normal/back-up power
c) Monitor status of active components which must function during Design Basis Accidents
d) Monitor equipment required to isolate in the event of on-site or off-site system faults.
2. Design Basis Accidents - The safety analysis should specify design basis accidents and related
safety functions. The electrical power systems design provide power needed to enable the safety
functions. The following are potential design basis accidents for back-up electrical power
a) Internal Initiators:
1) Missile or pipe whip resulting from sudden failure of high energy systems. This accident
has potential for causing release of radioactive material and simultaneously disrupting
multiple electrical equipment.
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