| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Physical separation and independence should be provided for the four fusion device protection system
channels, identified as Channels 1, 2, 3, and 4, and for two load groups of safety related equipment,
identified as Trains A and B.
Redundant Channel Separation:
Raceways for the four redundant protection channels, engineered safety feature (ESF) actuation
signals, and the two safety related trains should be physically separated from each other. However,
Channel 1 and an ESF actuation signal channel may be run in the same raceway stack without
separation as Train A; also Channel 2 and an ESF actuation signal channel may be run in the same
raceway stack as Train B without separation. Channels 3 and 4 should conform to the separation
requirements as required. Separation should be maintained or a barrier should be used to the
terminating devices.
Non-redundant Separation:
Circuits for non-redundant balance of plant (BOP) functions originating at safety-class equipment
should be provided with isolation devices or may be run in raceways used by associated safety-class
circuits; however, the routing of such non-redundant circuits will be controlled the same as the safety-
class circuits.
Cable Tray Separation:
In general, physical separation of cable trays for redundant safety-class circuits should be maintained
by a minimum of three feet horizontal separation. Vertical stacking of redundant cable trays should
be avoided, if at all possible, but where such arrangement is employed, minimum vertical spacing
should be five feet between the two groups. Where this is not practicable, barriers will be provided
or rigid steel conduit and thermal barriers should be used. Divided cable trays should not be used to
separate redundant systems.
The cable tray system should be designed and installed according to the requirements of IEEE-384.
(see also Regulatory Guide 1.75).
Cable Color Coding
Cables for redundant systems should be color coded. Cable trays and conduits carrying these cables
should be identified by the same color marking or colored labels at intervals, when passing through
a barrier, or wherever confusion may exist. Acceptable color coding of the cables is as follows:
Safety Class:
Train A Red
Train B Green
Channel 1 Red
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