| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
The cranes should be provided with all components and appurtenances required for safe operation
and handling, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Regulations Section 1910.179 and ANSI B30.2, ANSI B30.1, B30.16 Safety Codes as applicable.
Remote Manipulators
Design, fabrication, inspection and testing of Remote Manipulators should be in conformance with
applicable requirements of the following codes and standards:
Hooks - ANSI/ASME B30.10-1993: Hooks, and ANSI/ASME B30.1-1992: Jacks
Hydraulic Power - ANSI/(NFPA/JIC) T2.24.1-1991: Hydraulic Fluid Power - Systems Standard
for Stationary Industrial Machinery
Auxiliary hoists should be designed and manufactured to comply with the Hoist Manufacturers
Institute Specification HMI 100 for Electric Wire Rope Hoists and/or ANSI/ASME HST-4M-1991
(R1996): Performance Standard for Overhead Electric Wire Rope Hoists.
Remote Connector Systems
Remote connector systems (sometimes referred to as "Hanford" type) can be used in the process
piping as mechanical jumpers. This type of jumper system allows remote assembly and disassembly
of mechanical components such as pumps, valves, pressure vessels, etc. These mechanical jumpers
and/or connectors can be remotely operated. The design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of these
connector/jumpers and associated equipment should be per manufacturer standards.
Remote connector systems (or jumpers) typically consist of rigid or semi-rigid piping or conduit, for
process or electrical service, fitted with remotely coupled end connectors. The remote coupling is
accomplished with crane, manipulator, or robot induced locking or unlocking. The assemblies must
be designed for routine usage under typically harsh environmental conditions.
The electrical type connector systems must protect the connecting pins or sockets from damage
during the coupling operations. The internal wiring and connector pins/sockets must be suitable for
their electrical service relative to amperage, shielding requirement, etc. The entire assembly must
meet the electrical classification requirements of the particular service. Historically, electrical systems
have incorporated hard clamping, seals, and rigid conduits to meet classification requirements as
sealed pressurized housings.
Specialized Tools
Specialized tools such as custom designed fixtures , wrenches, reach rods, manipulators etc. can be
designed for specific requirements of handling and operation of a particular equipment associated with
fusion facility plant. These can be custom designed and fabricated using good engineering and
industry practices.
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