| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
The cooling system boundary includes:
1. Heat removal, transfer and sink systems wetted on the interior by the coolant. The boundary
includes piping, fittings, vessels, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, storage tanks and instruments.
2. Coolant makeup systems
3. Spilled or drained coolant collection systems.
The cooling system design should reflect consideration of service temperatures and other conditions
of the boundary materials, the uncertainties in determining material properties, effects of irradiation
on those properties, residual, steady state and transient stresses, and size of flaws.
1. Individual Loads
Cooling systemscooling system loads should withstand the static load, normal operating pressure and
temperature, anticipated operating transients, electromagnetic loads (normal operating and fault),
interaction loads from adjacent systems, natural phenomena hazard loads and loads due to missile
Static Loads - The static load should include the weight of the equipment and coolant
identified as constituting the system (or component) and any supported hardware.
Normal Operating Pressure Load - The normal operating pressure load should range from
the minimum to the maximum capability of the cooling system, including the capabilities
of all pressure or vacuum sources. Additionally, the pressure load range should include
temperature induced pressures, hydrostatic test pressures and any credible pressure
augmentation resulting from small leaks between two coupled cooling systems.
Normal Operating Thermal Load - The normal operating thermal load should include
temperatures associated with normal processing operations, both cryogenic and
elevated, and elevated bake out conditions required for cleansing prior to equipment
Anticipated Operating Transients - The anticipated operating transient load should include
the pressure, flow and temperature fluctuations resulting from anticipated off-normal
events in addition to normal system start up, operations, and shut down.
Normal Electromagnetic Loads - Electromagnetic loads should include the forces induced
as a result of plasma operation, fusion operation, eddy currents and control changes.
Such forces will result in the cooling systems interacting with magnetic fields of the fusion
machine's normal operation.
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