| Was there an applicable procedure?
Was the correct procedure used?
Was the procedure followed?
Followed in sequence?
Followed "blindly"--without thought?
Was the procedure:
An approved, current revision?
Adequate to do the task?
In compliance with other applicable codes and regulations?
Did the procedure:
Have sufficient detail?
Have sufficient warnings and precautions?
Adequately identify techniques and components?
Have steps in the proper sequence?
Cover all involved systems?
Require adequate work review?
Which personnel:
Were involved with the condition?
Observed the condition?
Identified the condition?
Reported the condition?
Corrected the condition?
Mitigated the condition?
Missed the condition?
What were:
The qualifications of these personnel?
The experience levels of these personnel?
The work groups of these personnel?
The attitudes of these personnel?
Their activities at the time of involvement with the condition?
Did the personnel involved:
Have adequate instruction?
Have adequate supervision?
Have adequate training?
Have adequate knowledge?
Communicate effectively?
Perform correct actions?
Worsen the condition?
Mitigate the condition?
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