| ![]() DOE-STD-1027-92
1 E-3
(All materials not listed above)
Calculation of Category 3 Radiological Thresholds
In the Senior Nuclear Managers' meeting of October 26, 1992, DOE determined that it is
reasonable to set the limit based upon the value that is accepted by the EPA for protection
of workers for planned reentry into a facility after an incident (EPA in Manual of Protective
Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents, EPA 400-R-92-001) and cited
in Appendix 2A of the RadCon Manual, which is 10 rem.
DOE has chosen to use an EPA model* to calculate the threshold quantities for Category
3. The model assumes that: the distance from the point of release to the point of
exposure is 30 meters; the dose-equivalent limit is 10 rem effective whole body dose; and
there is no radioactive decay (for the sake of conservatism and simplicity). For the period
of exposure, the models used assume that persons are exposed for one day for inhalation
and direct exposure, but that persons are exposed for longer periods through the
ingestion pathway.
See Section 3.0 of this Standard for guidance on the proper use of this Table.
40 CFR 302.4 Appendix B, calculations described in User's Manual for the
Radionuclides Database Version 1.02
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