| ![]() DOE-STD-1027-92
INTERPRETATION: Facilities with the potential for nuclear criticality events or with
sufficient quantities of hazardous material and energy, which would
require on-site emergency planning activities.
The criterion is that given in 10 CFR 30, with rebaselined calculation.
This criterion is essentially possession of quantities of material whose
unmitigated release could produce total doses of 1 rem in the range
of 100 meters from the facility.
In addition, any facility containing fissile material in quantities greater
than the theoretical minimum mass limits for criticality emergencies
as specified in ANSI/ANS-8.1-1983, R88 "Nuclear Criticality Safety in
Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors" should be
included. For aqueous solutions of U 233, U 235, and Pu 239, these values
are 500, 700, and 450 grams, respectively. Credit may be taken if
segmentation or nature of process precludes potential for criticality.
CONSIDERATIONS: The intent of this threshold is to capture those quantities of material
whose unmitigated release would require an emergency plan for on-
site evacuation. The NRC has specified certain values in 10 CFR 30
with a defined threshold of a 1 rem dose at 100 meters. DOE has
evaluated these numbers and made certain modifications to release
fractions which are explicitly allowed in the regulation. DOE has also
modified the meteorology used in the threshold calculation.
Specific groundrules for Category 2 hazard categorization are as follows:
In general, it is necessary to consult the individual threshold values
only if an individual isotope is being isolated and collected for some
purpose. For example, if a facility processes weapons grade
plutonium, it can simply be classified on the aggregate amount of
Pu238, Pu240, Am241, etc.) carried along in the mixture. Likewise, if a
fuel reprocessing plant has more than 1000 curies of mixed fission
products, it is a Category 2 facility with no need to consider individual
radionuclide make-up.
Facilities are considered Category 2 if the potential for criticality exists
in the storage arrays and processing means used.
Hazard Category 3
Hazard Analysis shows the potential for significant but localized
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