| DOE-STD-1027-92
Order 5480.23 requires that a plan and schedule for SAR upgrades be submitted to
each PSO. The requirement includes the following elements, for which guidance is
Preliminary Assessment of Facility Hazard
The preliminary assessment of hazards at a DOE nuclear facility requires only a minimal
effort to identify the inventory of hazardous material in order to perform an initial hazard
categorization as directed by paragraph 4.f.(10).(d) of the attachment to DOE Order
5480.23 and discussed in Section 3 and Attachment 1 of this Standard. Reviewing
basic facility information on intended facility operations and using estimates of material
quantities should lead to an acceptable assessment. Whenever questions concerning
appropriate facility categorization arise, provide for a margin of error by selecting the
higher hazard category. This step results in the preliminary categorization of a DOE
nuclear facility in a Hazard Category 1, 2, or 3 or below Category 3, (Radiological
Basis for Content, Schedule, and Level of Detail Proposed
This Standard gives additional information on the accident analysis techniques and the
level of detail needed as allowed in the graded approach. Section 4 describes a
reasonable graded approach for the analysis techniques and level of detail which should
be included in the SAR.
This section contains a uniform methodology to develop the initial Hazard Categorization
specified in the preliminary assessment of facility hazards in paragraph 9.b.(2) (BIO,
Implementation Plan) of Order 5480.23 and the final Hazard Categorization specified in
paragraph 8.b.(3)(e) (SAR). The method should enable facility managers and PSOs to
determine quickly the likely facility categorization called for in paragraph 8.c. An
overview of this facility hazard categorization is presented in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1,
with detailed information about facility categorization in Attachment 1. As discussed in
the Order, Hazard Categorization is used as only one consideration in the graded
approach concept (see Section 4).
Radiological Hazards
Attachment 1 classifies a facility as either Hazard Category 1, 2, or 3, depending only on
the quantities of radioactive material in the facility, and gives the threshold quantities as
well as the appropriate groundrules for evaluating the facility. Only facilities which fall
below the Category 3 threshold are exempt from the requirements of DOE Order
5480.23. However, these facilities should have administrative controls in place to
ensure minimum values are not exceeded through introduction of new material.
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