| ![]() DOE-STD-1027-92
Engineering Analysis
Limited engineering analysis is needed to determine the preventive and mitigative
features relied upon for the specific accident sequences identified to determine the
effectiveness for worker protection.
Consequence Analysis
A qualitative determination of consequences from the identified accidents is required.
An example of a qualitative analysis is given in the Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Example Category 3 Qualitative Consequence Analysis
Uncontrolled Chemical Reaction
Mixing of incompatible chemicals due to personnel error,
container leakage, or improper maintenance of equipment
Preventive Features
Ventilated storage cabinets and/or storage areas provided with
sumps for spill containment
Segregation of non-compatible chemicals, regular inspection of
containers and storage areas, instruction of personnel in
proper handling techniques
observation, appropriate alarms
Mitigation Features
Fire suppression equipment (sprinklers, portable fire
extinguishers), laboratory fume hoods, ventilation design
Employee training, safety procedures, automatic fire department
response, emergency medical technicians available on site
Physical damage to affected area, potential water damage, potential
Potential Impact:
injury to personnel from burns, explosions, or inhalation of
toxic materials, partial shutdown of operations
Risk Determination:
Probability Level:
Consequence Level: Medium
Risk Level:
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