| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
Appendix C
technical safety
Those requirements that define the conditions, safe boundaries,
requirements (TSR)
and the management or administrative controls necessary to
ensure the safe operation of a nuclear facility and to reduce the
potential risk to the public and facility workers from uncontrolled
releases of radioactive materials or from radiation exposures due
to inadvertent criticality. Technical Safety Requirements consist
of safety limits, operating limits, surveillance requirements,
administrative controls, use and application instructions, and the
basis thereof.
time-dependent action steps
Action steps that impose time requirements on the user by
specifying the duration of an action or actions that must be
completed within a specific period of time.
The person(s) actually performing the procedure.
The part of speech used to indicate an action or state of being.
Verification involves action steps that direct users to see if a
parameter has assumed a specified value or to see if a specific
action has been carried out, and, if it has not, to take actions to
make it so.
A walkdown is that segment of a walkthrough which consists of
physically visiting and observing the location in which the
activities are to be performed and the equipment that will be used.
A walkdown is performed to ensure that the equipment and
environment are actually as envisioned and the people involved
can perform the required tasks.
The walkthrough is the cumulative, detailed check of the process
and facility. Activities that may be used to complete walkthroughs
include walkdowns, simulations or modeling.
Warnings alert users to conditions, practices, or procedures that
must be observed to avoid loss of life or severe injury. Warnings
alert users to potential hazards to personnel.
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