| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
Background: The Role of Procedures in
Managing Facility Operations (continued)
The technical programs basis documents define the particular safety aspects and
safety implications of the facility's processes. Various hazards analyses and the
outcomes of probabilistic risk assessments are first synthesized in a primary safety
document-- the Safety Analysis Report (SAR)-- which details the technical and
administrative elements of the operation and defines safety requirements, risks, and
postulated accidents. The safety parameters reflected in the SAR are then
translated into Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) that describe the specific
operating limits necessary to provide a reasonable safety margin for operations.
Additional documents are used to maintain the efficacy and currency of the SAR:
Test Authorizations provide direction for temporary modifications, such as when
conducting brief experimental runs to test process adjustments. Unreviewed Safety
Questions assess the implications of any modification in the design, equipment, or
operating ranges of the system to ensure that the modifications do not change the
magnitude or type of safety issues the SAR originally considered.
The management control programs basis documents define all of the management
programs and controls needed to support and maintain the operation. These
documents define the programs that will accomplish the facility's mission. They
address the facility's administrative programs (e.g., quality assurance, document
and records management, property management); the operational programs (e.g.,
corrective and preventative maintenance requirements); technical support
operations (e.g., facility safety, radiological controls); and facility design and
engineering controls (e.g., configuration management). This collection of
documents may also include certain additional management baseline information,
such as an annual operating plan, the operational budget, and integrated schedules
for accomplishing the work scope.
The design programs basis documents include the design criteria; calculations and
analyses (e.g., seismic calculations) that represent the engineering and construction
criteria used; the vendor materials that demonstrate the quality and suitability of
equipment; and the engineering standards, drawings, and
specifications that were used in the actual procurement, construction, testing,
and turnover phases of the facility's lifecycle.
These management and programmatic bases documents, if available, provide much of the
information to be used in developing a facility's procedures. However, in many DOE
facilities, basis documentation is out-of-date, incomplete, or has not yet been developed.
In some facilities, procedure writers are being set the impossible task of preparing sound
procedures without basis documentation or are required to develop it themselves before
they begin writing procedures.
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