| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
C Can the user explain in detail how to perform general instructions?
C Can the user perform the procedure without obtaining additional information
from persons or procedures not specified by the procedure?
C Can the user perform the procedure without obtaining direct assistance from
persons not specified by the procedure?
Ensure that the decision making required in the procedure is consistent with the
user's qualifications and level of authority. This approach permits tasks to be
performed with minimum supervision.
Exclude information that is useful only to reviewers or other persons not involved
in performing the procedure.
3.1.2 Consistency
One of the most important principles in writing effective technical procedures is to
maintain consistency in procedure style, format, and organization, both within and among
procedures. Inconsistencies can result in users attributing differences in meaning to
spurious differences in presentation. Consistency allows users to move through
documents without having to waste effort interpreting the style of presentation for each
section they encounter. This facilitates comprehension and allows users to concentrate on
the actual performance of the instructions. When employing the guidelines discussed in
this document, maintain consistency!
3.1.3 Writing Style and Language
Narrative prose and paragraph style are inappropriate for writing procedures. Users of
procedures will likely be working under difficult, sometimes very stressful conditions, and
thus procedures should be written so that users can grasp the intended meaning quickly
and easily.
Communicate instructions using simple and concise language, although not at the
expense of comprehensibility.
Use action statements to communicate procedure instructions to users.
Maintain consistency in language (words, definitions) and format among
instrument labelling, procedures, and training.
Avoid using synonymous terminology merely for the sake of introducing variation.
Use words and phrases consistently throughout procedures.
Write instructions clearly. The users should not have to infer the meaning.
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