| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
An important part of the process analysis is to identify where extra caution is
needed. The analysis identifies and helps mitigate the potential for abnormal
events by writing procedures sensitive to aspects of the process that could cause
errors. The analysis identifies design defects and assists procedure developers in
providing warnings and cautions at appropriate places within the procedure to help
the procedure user to recognize and prevent mishaps or mitigate the effects if
mishaps occur. The analysis should be documented as part of the procedure basis.
Develop the Process and Activities
A procedure provides a process (method) to accomplish a specific task. Use information
gathered in the process analysis to define the process, define the activities that make up
the process, and organize the activities into related sections. These sections will become
the subsections and action steps within the procedure.
Identify each activity within each process.
[a] Assess the technical requirements to accomplish the activity, such as
C System/component configuration
C Interfaces with other procedures and with other organizations
C Limitations
C Potential hazards and problems
C Expected system responses.
[b] Assess applicable administrative requirements such as verifications,
inspections, and notifications (a form such as the Administrative Requirements
Worksheet shown in Appendix A can may be used to record the requirements
for each activity).
Place the activities identified in sequence in their order of performance. Outlines,
tables, and flow charts are useful for viewing the sequence and hierarchy of the
activities required to complete the process.
Review the activities and combine common activities. Activities can be combined
as long as they do not increase the complexity of the procedure or interrupt the
correct sequence of actions.
Develop a clear, concise statement of purpose for performing the procedure.
List other documents, forms, and definitions of important terms that will be used
to support the procedure being developed.
Develop procedure headings as applicable (see Section 3, "Procedure
Organization" and "Headings").
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