| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
EXAMPLE 3-1. - Use of spelled-out numbers with a unit of measure.
Use: "Energize one 4.16 kV bus."
Do not use: "Energize 1 4.16 kV bus."
Use spelled-out numbers when a number, typically a single digit number, is
EXAMPLE 3-2. - Use of spelled-out numbers with emphasis.
"Use one of the following." is preferable to "Use 1 of the following."
Otherwise, use Arabic numbers to present numerical information, as in "Decrease
tank level by 10 inches."
3.1.5 Instrumentation/Component Information
Refer to instruments and components using both the equipment name and number.
The equipment name can be the verbatim equipment label, a paraphrased
equipment label or some other name, depending upon which is the most familiar to
users. Ideally, there should only be one name in use for any given piece of
equipment. Set the numeric identifier apart from the equipment name (e.g., by
placing it in braces after the common usage name as in: "Open both Vessel Vent
valves {GH-32-1 and GH-32-2}.").
Do not require users to interpret ambiguous descriptors, such as "approximately"
and "slowly" when referring to instrument information.
Specify numbers in procedures at the same precision and the same units of measure
that they are presented on instrument panel displays.
Express consecutive acceptable values as a range of values rather than in terms of
tolerance bands. Tolerance bands require additional mental calculation on the part
of the users, increasing the probability of error.
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