| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
A primary objective of operations conducted in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
complex is safety. Procedures are a critical element of maintaining a safety envelope to
ensure safe facility operation.
This DOE Writer's Guide for Technical Procedures addresses the content, format, and
style of technical procedures that prescribe production, operation of equipment and
facilities, and maintenance activities. The DOE Writer's Guide for Management Control
Procedures and DOE Writer's Guide for Emergency and Alarm Response Procedures are
being developed to assist writers in developing nontechnical procedures.
DOE is providing this guide to assist writers across the DOE complex in producing
accurate, complete, and usable procedures that promote safe and efficient operations that
comply with DOE orders, including DOE Order 5480.19, Conduct of Operations for
DOE Facilities, and 5480.6, Safety of Department of Energy-Owned Nuclear Reactors.
Successful procedures assist users by presenting actions clearly, concisely, and in the
proper sequence. This guide provides a method for writers to ensure the following key
questions are addressed and that procedures contribute to maintaining safe operations:
C What technical and administrative requirements are to be met?
C Who is the user and what is the user's level of experience and training?
C How does this document relate to other procedures for this equipment and
C What materials, equipment, and facilities are to be used?
C What tasks are to be accomplished?
C Why, when, where, and how are the tasks to be accomplished?
Organization of this Guide
This guide for writing technical procedures is presented in five sections:
C Section 1 provides an introduction to the writer's guide and the process
involved in writing technical procedures
C Section 2 presents information about establishing the procedure basis for the
procedure content
C Section 3 discusses procedure content and format
C Section 4 deals with writing and structuring action steps
C Section 5 cites references used to develop this guide.
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