| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
The introduction should address the purpose, scope, and applicability of the procedure.
Provide a clear description in the purpose of the goal to be achieved by performing
the procedure. Avoid purpose statements that repeat the procedure title and
headings of the table of contents.
EXAMPLE 3-11. A typical purpose statement.
This procedure provides instructions for reservoir plug welding and storage of plug
welded reservoirs.
Describe the activities the procedure covers in a statement of scope. If necessary,
the scope may also address the limitations of the procedure (what the procedure
does not cover). Example 3-12 contains an outline of a scope for a technical
EXAMPLE 3-12. Outline of a scope for a technical procedure.
This procedure addresses the actions necessary to plug weld reservoirs, to decontaminate
them, and to store them. It does not include receipt and unpackaging of reservoirs, nor
does it address rework of improperly welded reservoirs.
Specify the conditions that require procedure use in the applicability statement.
For example, in a surveillance test procedure the applicability statement might be
that the test has been requested by a manager.
Precautions and Limitations
Failure to include precautions and limitations within the procedure can cause a severe
injury to, or the death of, the procedure user and/or serious damage to equipment.
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