| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
Prepare a Revision History
The revision history provides a history of the procedure and specifies its effective date.
Although the revision history may be initiated at this point in developing a procedure, it
cannot be completed until the procedure is approved.
Include the following information in the revision history:
C Revision level
C Effective date
C Affected pages
C Revision description.
EXAMPLE 2-2. Revision description.
Revision 2 was done to reflect the equipment changes made to the chilled water supply system.
Provide a specific statement of the reason for the revision. Generalizations, such
as general revision, do not provide meaningful information.
List the procedure(s) that the new procedure replaces or requirements that the
procedure implements.
If the number of the procedure changes, cite the old number in the revision history
to provide appropriate history and cross referencing.
Add the approval date to the description of the revision for use in tracking periodic
Include any temporary changes implemented since the last revision.
Maintain and update the procedure basis documentation to ensure that a complete
history of the procedure is available each time the procedure is revised.
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