| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
EXAMPLE 3-5. Procedure title.
Reservoir Plug Welding
3.1.9 Headings
Headings break the text of the procedure into sections by grouping related action steps.
Section headings help users locate information in the procedure, break up long series of
actions into manageable chunks, and track their progress through the procedure, especially
when branching to other sections.
Give each major activity in the main body of the procedure a unique and
descriptive heading.
Limit the number of heading levels to three (for example, 1, 1.1, and 1.1.1).
Excessive levels result in complex section numbers.
Identify first-, second-, and third-level headings by a decimal numbering system.
Begin first-, second-, and third-level headings at the left margin of the text block.
Identify first-level headings with all capital letters and bold type.
Identify second- and third-level headings with initial capital letters of important
words and bold type.
If second-level headings organize activities, start the headings with the "ing" form
of action verbs and complete the headings with the objects of the action verbs (for
example, Starting Cooling Water Pumps).
If the third-level headings under a second-level heading are being used to organize
action steps, start the headings with action verbs and complete the headings with
the objects of the action verbs (for example, Start the Cooling Water Pump).
Otherwise, use topics for second- and third-level headings (for example, Cooling
Water Pumps).
Use a list to organize material other than action steps under headings and action
Designate listed items with indented upper-case letters.
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