| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
The DOE Procedures Program (continued)
The procedure guidance documents are in various stages of preparation and review.
Some, such as this Writer's Guide for Technical Procedures, are already available to DOE
personnel as a standard. Documents currently under development include:
Principles for Excellence in Procedure Writing: This document presents the
fundamental principles associated with writing sound procedures. The principles
provide a basis for understanding how to develop and evaluate procedure formats
and writing style. Therefore, the Principles serve as a means for each facility to
confirm the adequacy and appropriateness of the writer's guides developed for the
facility's procedure writers.
Writer's Guides: Three separate writer's guides are being developed, one for each
of the three major procedure types: technical procedures, emergency and alarm
response procedures, and management control procedures. An appendix to the
Writer's Guide for Technical Procedures and the Writer's Guide Emergency and
Alarm Response Procedures will cover the use of graphics in procedures. The
guides are model writer's guides, rather than requirements documents, and provide
examples of writer's guides that meet DOE requirements. Each of the guides
provides a basic explanation of the technical, management control, and design
bases for that procedure type, and then provides detailed sections on content and
Principles for Excellence in Procedures Programs: This document presents the
fundamental principles associated with managing an on-going procedures program.
It defines the purposes procedures serve in facility operations as well as the
program elements and processes required for an effective procedures program.
Manager's Guides: Four separate manager's guides are being developed. The
Guides will cover four important functions: developing procedure bases; technical
review of procedures; validation and verification of procedures; and, procedure
implementation and control. The Guides will provide managers with explanations
of the requirements and processes associated with successful completion of these
As is shown in Figure 2, the above documents provide for both product enhancement
(better procedures) and system enhancement (better procedures programs). As experience
in applying these documents is gained throughout the DOE complex, the documents will
be revised on the basis of lessons learned. Additional guidance documents also may be
published as the need arises.
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