| ![]() DOE-STD-1031-92
review assignments to verify that the operators understand the information
presented, after completion of the briefings.
During facility operation, the briefings should be held before facility activities
such as surveillances, maintenance troubleshooting, or component
manipulations. Briefings should be conducted frequently, for abnormal or
emergency operating conditions, to confirm that operators understand
facility conditions and emergency operating procedures.
Face-to-Face Communication
Face-to-face communication is performed when the sender and the receiver are in
the presence of each other. The sender's title may be omitted from the message,
however, the sender should ensure that the intended receiver receives the
message when two or more people are in the immediate area. The use of sign
language in lieu of audible communications should only be performed in
accordance with prescribed guidelines (e.g., hand motions for crane operators).
Example: Face-to-face operator communications to increase Service Air Header
Control Room Operator (CRO) to Facility Equipment Operator (FEO):
"Facility Equipment Operator, raise Service Air Header pressure to one five zero
Response by FEO Operator:
"Raise Service Air Header pressure to one five zero pounds."
Acknowledgment by CRO:
"That's correct."
Communication Systems
Communications systems should be implemented to ensure that control areas can
quickly contact personnel throughout the facility. In addition, these systems should
allow contact between personnel outside of the control area.
Party-line Communication Systems
A party-line communication system allows more than two work stations to
communicate on the same communication line at the same time. If a party line
communication system is used, the sender should check the line to verify that the
line is clear prior to establishing communications. This should prevent "cutting in"
on other conversations. In addition, the sender and receiver identification should be
included in each message. To gain access to a party line in the event of an
emergency, the phrase "Silence on the line, this is an emergency" should be used
to clear the line for priority communications.
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