| DOE-STD-1031-92
Operational communication should use a standard format to ensure consistency
and effectiveness. The suggested format, in the appropriate order is:
Establish communication
Transmit message
Repeat back message
Confirm repeat back
Establishing Communications
Before transmitting a message, communications must be established
between the sender and the intended receiver. The sender should identify
the intended receiver and then him/herself. Either formal names or work
station titles may be used as identification, however, work station titles are
Example: "Control Room Operator, this is the Auxiliary Operator."
This lets the person receiving the message know who is directing an action
or requesting information. When answering a phone, radio, etc., the
receiver should identify the work station followed by his/her title or name.
Example: "Control Area, Control Room Operator."
This lets the sender know if he/she has contacted the intended location and
Transmitting the Message
Once communications have been established, the message text can be
transmitted. The message attributes presented earlier should be used
during transmission.
Example: "Building Operator, this is the Control Area Operator. Open
Cooling Water Suction Valve, Foxtrot two five."
The receiver should make notations when receiving complex or lengthy
communications to ensure that important information is not forgotten. For
example, operators should write down valve numbers and final valve
position when directed to reposition valves in a specific sequence. This
ensures that actions are correct and in the required sequence. If the
receiver does not understand the message, he/she should ask the sender to
repeat or rephrase the message.
If the message is an abnormal or emergency condition report, personnel
should exercise additional care to speak slowly, clearly, and accurately.
These reports should include the nature, severity, and location of the
problem. During abnormal or emergency reports, communication lines
should be kept open for subsequent reports (i.e., stay on the line,
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