| DOE-STD-1032-92
Performance standards should serve as the basis for accountable behavior.
Personnel performance should be compared to performance standards to
ensure consistency of accountability. Performance standards should be
fostered by leadership example within the organization. Management should
communicate new or revised performance standards to all personnel so that
everyone understands and supports the standards. Benefits for exceeding
performance standards should also be communicated.
Facility management should establish high performance standards for all
activities. Management's expectations for the level of performance should be
clearly defined in management policies, procedures, and directives.
Management should require uniform adherence to these high standards, with
safe, reliable facility operation being the primary goal. Management's day-to-
day interactions with the work force should reinforce these performance level
expectations. Facility activities should be conducted in a professional and
businesslike manner.
Performance standards should be developed to ensure that:
The professional conduct expected of personnel is specified and followed
so that personnel performance coincides with the expectations of DOE
and facility management
Control area activities are conducted in a manner that achieves safe and
reliable facility operation
Normal and emergency communications are highly reliable, clear, and
provide accurate transmission of information within the facility
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