| DOE-STD-1035-93
4.1 Establishing Operating Logs
Narrative logs should be an accurate history of facility operations. Logs should be
established and maintained for all key positions (e.g., supervisors, control area operators,
operators of isolated or remote equipment, etc.), including positions that are filled only on
a part-time basis (e.g., test coordinator, wastewater treatment operator, or emergency
equipment operator). When a narrative log is not maintained for a particular position, a
narrative section should be provided on round sheets. If used, the narrative section should
be maintained in accordance with the guidelines for logs. An example of a narrative log is
shown in Appendix A.
Some facilities maintain additional logs for specific items of equipment (e.g., emergency
generators). These logs provide an equipment history, and usually record activities and
information relating to both operations and maintenance. Facilities or regulatory agencies
may also require additional logs for specific processes (e.g., wastewater treatment and
discharge). These additional logs should adhere to the requirements for narrative logs.
Facilities should develop written guidelines to ensure consistency in maintaining logs. The
guidelines should address:
Shift positions, processes, or equipment that require logs
Personnel authorized to make entries in logs
Standards for information to be recorded in logs
Format requirements for logs and log entries
Review requirements for logs
Instructions for control of logs and disposition of completed logs.
The following sections of this guide provide information to assist facilities in the
development of these guidelines.
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