| ![]() DOE-STD-1036-93
Independent verification compensates for the human element in facility operation. It
recognizes that any operator, no matter how proficient, can make a mistake. However, the
chance that two operators will independently make the same mistake is unlikely. Therefore,
independent verification provides an extra measure of safety and reliability to facility
operations. Industry experience shows that verifying, or double-checking, important
operating parameters and component alignments reduces the occurrence of unintended
operational events (shutdowns, environmental violations, etc.).
Independent verification is an activity designed to enhance the reliability of facility operations
and safety functions, and to aid in the control of equipment and system status. Its intent is
similar to the quality assurance and engineering checks that are performed during design and
installation of facility systems. However, independent verification is an ongoing process
performed by operations personnel during operations. Independent verification activities are
built on the two concepts portrayed through their name: verification and independence.
Verification is the act of checking that an operation, the status of equipment, a calculation, or
the position of a component conforms to established criteria. Verification only checks for
conformance with the criteria; it does not alter the status of equipment or the position of
components. The criteria used for verification are normally contained in operating
procedures or alignment checklists. All persons performing verification must receive specific
training and qualification on the systems they will verify, and on techniques for verifying
component position or status.
Independence means that the person performing the verification will not be influenced by
observation of, or involvement in, the activity that establishes the component position or
status. For most operating activities, independence can best be achieved by separating the
operation and the verification by time and distance. For example:
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