| DOE-STD-1036-93
C Related to nuclear safety (for reactors and non-reactor nuclear facilities)
C Essential for preserving environmental, safety, or health controls
C Critical to performance of the facility's designated mission.
4.1.1 Nuclear Safety Functions
Independent verification should be considered for all systems, structures, and
components performing nuclear safety functions. Facilities that handle or
process radioactive materials must determine which facility components require
independent verification, based on the reliance placed on the component for
preventing or mitigating releases of, or exposures to, radioactive materials.
The following are examples of components and systems that may have a
nuclear safety function:
Components that monitor radiation or radioactive materials (e.g., area
radiation monitor, criticality alert monitor, airborne activity monitor)
Components that prevent unintentional release of radioactive materials
(e.g., hold-up tanks, vent valves, drain valves)
Components that are essential for proper response to an emergency
(e.g., deluge systems, automatic barriers, safety injection systems).
Environmental, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Functions
All facilities (not just nuclear facilities) contain systems, structures, and
components that perform safety functions and/or prevent unintentional
releases of hazardous or toxic materials into the environment. Systems,
structures, and components performing these functions should be
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