| ![]() DOE-STD-1037-93
This example illustrates how a unique process can affect an operator's activities. The
research was a unique process to the chilled water system operator. Although the operator
did not require detailed knowledge of the research, integrated knowledge of the system
interactions was needed. Effective communication with the research project personnel
would have enabled the operator to anticipate the load increase and ensure that sufficient
reserve cooling capacity was on line.
A periodic chemistry sample from a fluid system is used to evaluate the condition of the
system components and determine their fitness for continued operation. Just before the
sample was taken, the system operator started a pump that had been in a standby status.
The change in flow characteristics caused contamination to be picked up in the sample. The
indicated level of contamination normally signals equipment damage, which requires
resampling the system and possible shutdown of equipment.
This example illustrates how a unique process can be affected by an operator's activity. To
the operator, chemistry sampling is a unique process, even though it is routinely performed.
To prevent adverse effects on the sample, the operator requires an integrated knowledge
of the process interactions, i.e., how the sampling is affected by pump startup, and needs
to inform chemistry support personnel of operating activities that can adversely affect
sampling. This would permit coordination of operations and chemistry activities, and would
have avoided the need for resampling.
Technicians working with radioactive materials needed to move the materials through an
operational area of the facility. Following their procedures, they took all appropriate
precautions to prevent the spread of contamination or personnel exposure during the
movement; however, they failed to coordinate their movement with the operations
supervisor. The materials set off an operational radiation alarm, causing the operations
organization to respond as if an emergency had occurred.
The movement of radioactive material may have had nothing to do with the facility
operation or mission. However, the movement was capable of affecting operations and was
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