| DOE-STD-1037-93
design and components, and operating characteristics. Personnel whose job interfaces with
specific unique processes may benefit from additional training in one or more of the
following subject areas:
Electricity and/or
Physics (classical and/or
Heat Transfer and Fluid
Industrial Safety
For example: the operator of an emergency diesel generator is not responsible for operation
of the cooling water supply system; however, the operator may benefit from fundamental
training in heat transfer and fluid flow to better understand the impact of diesel generator
operation on the cooling water system flows and temperatures.
One effective method for identifying specific training needs and developing appropriate
training material is the systematic approach to training (SAT). Certain DOE facilities are
required to implement SAT, and extensive documentation has been prepared to assist
facilities in this process. Appendix A identifies some of the resources available for
implementing SAT.
Appendix A also lists some of the training materials that are available for study in certain
fundamental subject areas. These materials are designed to be used in individual self-paced
study, so they may be used as part of a formal or informal training program.
Many facilities over the years have used cross-training, i.e., training in some aspects of
others' job responsibilities, to familiarize personnel with interfacing or unique processes.
Cross-training may be part of a formal training program, or it may be performed by rotating
personnel to different shift positions as part of an overall familiarization.
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