| DOE-STD-1038-93
Examples of documents to review include:
C Work station narrative log
C Equipment status log
C Tagout log
C Work station round/inspection sheets
C Temporary modification and jumper logs
C Out-of-service annunciator log
C Operational limit action log
C Shift orders book (Timely Orders)
In addition to the above documents, supervisors may need to review the narrative and
round/inspection sheets of assigned personnel. This review can often provide detailed
information concerning the operations and equipment status, supplementing the
records maintained by the off-going supervisor. Supervisors may have additional
responsibilities for document review, in accordance with facility operating procedures.
Pre-Shift Walkdown
A pre-shift walkdown of the work station should be conducted as a part of the
turnover process. The walkdown should include a brief look at all areas of the work
station. On-coming personnel should check the status of equipment, systems, and
panels. The walkdown should also check the status of work being performed at the
work station. Status control boards should be verified and updated during the
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