| DOE-STD-1038-93
Depending on the work station, an instrumentation and control panel walkdown and
document review may be necessary. The breadth and depth of the mid-shift turnover
will depend on the safety importance of the job, the on-coming person's familiarity
with the work station, the length of time since the on-coming person has performed
the duties and responsibilities of the work station, and the activities occurring at the
work station.
If a transfer of responsibility is necessary because of a physical injury, a qualified relief
should assume responsibility for the work station and perform a full panel walkdown,
log review, and review the most recent turnover checklist to gain the knowledge of
present work station conditions. To ensure the best exchange of facility information, a
discussion with the cognizant supervisor should also be performed.
Turnover to a Staffed/Unstaffed Condition
The principles of operation turnover should also apply when the status of the facility
or process is changing to a staffed/unstaffed status (e.g., single or periodic shift
operation). Before placing the facility or operation in an unstaffed status (e.g., after
single-shift operation), off-going personnel should ensure that the facility or operation
is in a safe and stable configuration approved by appropriate management and the
narrative log accurately reflects that status. A turnover checklist may be used in
conjunction with the narrative log to convey information. Work station information
should be in sufficient detail to allow any person, qualified at that work station, to
assume the position after reviewing the narrative log and turnover checklist. Since a
verbal exchange of information may not occur between the off-going and on-coming
personnel in this instance, the recorded information should be as clear and concise as if
a face-to-face relief had occurred.
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