| ![]() DOE-STD-1039-93
approval of the design modification by the design authority, and technical oversight of
the installation.
Perform and document appropriate safety reviews, and obtain all necessary
concurrences for approval of the modification.
Update operating procedures, drawings, and documents as required, and conduct
briefings and any necessary training.
The administrative control system should provide for independent verification of correct
installation. Additional information pertaining to independent verification can be found in
DOE Order 5480.19, Chapter X, "Independent Verification." Periodic audits should be
performed to evaluate the status of all outstanding modifications. Independent verification
should be performed upon removal of the modification to ensure that all systems and
equipment are returned to their normal configuration.
4.10 Distribution and Control of Equipment and System Documents
It is imperative that personnel have and use up-to-date system and equipment documents
(e.g., drawings, procedures). A system must be in place to ensure that the correct
documents are available and maintained in a location that is accessible during all hours of
operation. The system should ensure that document changes or revisions are promptly
communicated to appropriate personnel (e.g., operations personnel, testing and
maintenance groups, safety analysis groups, procedure review groups, and quality
assurance groups).
One method to inform personnel of changes or revisions is using the programs for required
reading and timely orders to operators. Required reading can provide a means for
personnel to read updated procedures. Timely orders to operators are used to alert
personnel to changes in the procedures, equipment, or priorities for operation. For
guidance on these programs, refer to DOE Order 5480.19, Chapter XIV, "Required
Reading;" Chapter XV, "Timely Orders to Operators;" and DOE-STD-1033-92, Guide to
Good Practices for Operations and Administration Updates Through Required Reading.
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