| ![]() DOE-STD-1039-93
inputs for system pressure and temperature, and actuate if either is out of specification.
If the temperature input to the alarm is disabled, the operator must monitor the system
temperature more closely to compensate for the lack of alarm capability.
Alarms with temporarily changed setpoints should be documented for operator
reference, and may be further identified by color coded alarm windows or other
positive means.
Alarms that are lighted during normal operation should be identified by color coded
alarm windows, distinctive labeling, or other positive means.
Alarms that may be activated by more than one input, but that do not reflash when
subsequent inputs are received, should be identified within the alarm response
procedures and operator training. Operator training and operations procedures should
specify when operators should perform additional equipment parameter monitoring to
ensure that abnormal conditions are not masked by alarms that do not reflash.
Procedures for response to alarm actuation should be controlled and updated to reflect
any changes in alarm status. Changes in the alarm status should be transmitted to all
activities that may be affected, e.g., training, systems engineering, temporary
modification interfaces, etc..
4.6 Equipment Deficiency Identification and Documentation
When equipment deficiencies are discovered, the supervisor should be notified. Then, two
distinct actions should be taken. First, the deficiency should be documented and identified
for correction in accordance with the facility's work control system. Guidelines and
information related to work control systems are contained in DOE Order 4330.4B,
Maintenance Management Program.
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