| ![]() DOE-STD-1040-93
example of effective use of trainees would be qualifying a trainee on a task to
support the operating schedule, such as fire watch, and then relieving the trainee as
soon as possible to allow the trainee to continue with the training process. Prior to
assigning trainees to assist in nontask-related activities (e.g., collecting logs,
reviewing procedures, and other administrative jobs), supervisors should verify that
the trainee has time to perform the assignment and that the assignment will not
conflict with the trainee's training schedule.
Operations Management Involvement in Training
Operations line managers should be personally involved in identifying training
needs and verifying that initial and continuing training programs meet these needs.
Operations managers approve and periodically review the effectiveness of
operations training programs. This includes observing personnel performance, both
on shift and during simulator training sessions, and providing feedback to the
training department to initiate training program improvements.
Performance standards established by operations managers should be presented,
discussed, and reinforced during initial and continuing training. Operations
managers should instill a sense of ownership with each shift manager for the
training of his or her crew. Shift managers should help identify crew weaknesses
and work with operations and training managers to provide training that will
strengthen overall crew performance.
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