| ![]() DOE-STD-1041-93
ones should be discarded. Blank round sheets should be kept in a place accessible to
personnel (e.g., control area file cabinet, supervisor's desk, operating base file cabinet).
During the revision process it may be necessary to use round sheets with pen and ink
changes until the master copy can be updated and revised round sheets distributed. Policies
and procedures should address how this situation is handled and personnel should be
instructed on their use.
Each round sheet should have enough room to record 24 hours of data or at least a normal
shift's worth of data. If more than one data sheet is needed to record all work station data,
the rounds sheets should be numbered. The space for recording data should be large
enough to allow the full range of values to be recorded legibly. In addition to a place for
recording data, round sheets should have the applicable work station printed on the sheet
to prevent confusion. There should also be a space for recording the date and the time(s)
the rounds were conducted. This information will help when round sheets are reviewed or
used to reconstruct events in a chronological order.
Round sheets may include a narrative section if a separate work station narrative log does
not exist. Personnel should use the narrative section to document major evolutions, causes
of abnormal conditions, and actions taken to correct abnormal conditions. For more
information of maintaining the narrative log, refer to DOE Order 5480.19, Chapter XI,
Facility administrative policies and procedures should address the method for identifying
out-of-specification parameters. Parameters exceeding the specified maximum or minimum
values should be circled in red or otherwise highlighted on the round sheet. If a recorded
parameter exceeds the highest or lowest acceptable value, or exceeds a minimum or
maximum value, the cause(s) of the abnormal indication should be promptly investigated
and reported to the appropriate supervisor, manager, or control area. Supervisors should
be kept aware of the situation and should become involved as appropriate for timely
corrective action. The cause and status of the abnormal parameters should be explained in
the round sheet's narrative section.
Data should be recorded on round sheets at the times specified. When round sheet data is
not obtained within one hour of the specified time, the actual time the data was obtained
should be noted on the round sheet. The reason for the recording delay should be
annotated in the narrative section of the round sheet and reported to the appropriate
The recorded data should be legible and should be recorded with an ink pen dark enough
to be copied. If a mistake is made on the rounds sheet, the mistake should be corrected.
Facility policies and procedures should provide guidance for making round sheet
corrections. One method for correcting a mistake is to make a single line through the
mistake, initial the lineout, and write the correct data in the same block as the mistake.
Since it is impossible to predict when a person will make a mistake, personnel should use
only part of the block to record data. This will allow the person to make neat corrections
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