| ![]() DOE-STD-1042-93
4.4 Operation of Control Area Equipment
Duties and responsibilities for control area personnel during normal, abnormal, and
emergency situations should be well defined. Administrative policies and procedures
should specify the personnel requirements for operation of control area equipment.
Operation of control area equipment should be performed only by authorized
personnel. Equipment to be controlled and monitored by each control area person
should be specified. Control area personnel should receive training on their duties and
A list of personnel authorized to operate control area equipment should be maintained
in the control area. Trainees who operate control area equipment should be supervised
and controlled by the person who is authorized to operate that equipment. The person
supervising should not allow the trainee to perform operations without direct
supervision. For more information about supervising trainees, refer to DOE Order
5480.19, Chapter V, "Control of On-shift Training."
4.5 Control Area Ancillary Duties
Ancillary duties of control area personnel should not affect their ability to monitor and
operate instrumentation and control panels. Their administrative duties should be
minimized. Activities such as preparation of lockouts and tagouts, review of
maintenance work activities, assisting maintenance groups, required reading, or
housekeeping should be conducted to minimize the effect on their primary duties and
responsibilities. Administrative activities not required to be performed within the "at-
the-controls" area should be assigned to other personnel.
Facility policies and procedures should address ancillary duties and responsibilities.
Within the control area, the lead control area person should have the responsibility for
ensuring that ancillary duties do not compromise primary job duties. Ancillary duties
should not be performed during off-normal or emergency situations. These situations
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