| ![]() DOE-STD-1044-93
Replacing Labels
Identifying Lost or Damaged Labels
Facilities should establish procedures to ensure that missing, damaged, or
incorrect labels are promptly replaced. Since labels may be removed or
misplaced during maintenance activities, facility procedures should require
operators to verify labels when the equipment is returned to service.
Operators performing component alignments or rounds should verify that
labels are present, readable, and undamaged. A column can be added to valve
line-up sheets or system alignment checklists to ensure that label condition
and accuracy are checked during system line-ups. Checks may also be added
to preventive maintenance procedures (PMs), or other procedures, to ensure
that components are correctly labeled.
Operators should watch for use of informal labeling methods (e.g., black
marking pen) as these may represent places where formal labeling should be
Providing New Labels
The operations supervisor (or other designated management authority) should
review and approve all requests for new or replacement labels. Labeling
requirements should also be evaluated during the planning of design changes
or temporary modifications. Conflicts involving component identification
(e.g., inconsistent component numbers or names used in procedures or
drawings) should be resolved before labels are approved.
If a new label cannot be immediately provided, a temporary label should be
installed until a correct permanent label can be obtained. All labels should be
installed by personnel knowledgeable of the components and their function in
the system to prevent inadvertent equipment operation during label
installation, and to prevent interference with normal component operation.
The attachment of temporary or permanent labels should be independently
verified to ensure that the label is properly attached to the correct component
and all the label information is correct.
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