| ![]() DOESTD107393
This exhibit provides an overview and discussion of selected key issues related to CM walkdowns.
These CM walkdowns are conducted as part of each phase of programmatic assessments: initial
assessments, post-implementation assessments, and periodic programmatic assessments.
This exhibit serves as additional guidance to prevent unnecessary rework and costs. It includes a
generic CM component walkdown procedure for use in developing detailed walkdown procedures.
The following discussion addresses selected key issues that should be considered when developing
a walkdown program.
Walkdown Objectives. The objectives of the CM walkdowns should be clearly stated, documented,
and understood by facility personnel involved in the walkdowns. This will help ensure consistency
among the CM walkdowns, prevent confusion (especially with the objectives of other facility walkdown
efforts), and minimize rework. The objectives of the CM walkdowns are to (1) establish the as-found
physical configuration of the facility and (2) identify any discrepancies between the as-found
configuration and associated facility documentation.
Consolidation of Walkdowns. Experience has shown that numerous walkdowns may be performed at
a typical facility for different (but similar) reasons. For example, walkdowns may be performed as part
of a hazards evaluation, design package preparation, functional evaluation, or in response to a
regulatory commitments related to seismic, equipment qualification, or fire protection concerns. Prior
to beginning the CM walkdowns, consideration should be given to identifying other walkdown efforts
that may be needed within the same time frame and consolidating and/or integrating them, as
appropriate. Some of the information gathered by different walkdowns may be identical and can be
obtained once if the interfaces are established and consolidation is properly achieved. Other types of
information can be added to the CM walkdown procedures and used to satisfy other needs thereby
reducing the total number of walkdowns performed at each facility.
Critical Component Characteristics. Central to the success of the walkdown effort is the identification
of critical component characteristics. These characteristics provide the structure for the component
data sheets, which are used to collect, document, and transmit the data for inclusion into the
equipment database. Prior to the commencement of the CM walkdowns, critical characteristics for
each SSC should be identified in the walkdown procedures. Acceptable sources for these
characteristics are the available design requirements, industry codes and standards, comparison of
the critical characteristics with similar SSCs, and engineering judgement. The following are examples
of some critical characteristics for mechanical, electrical, and I&C components:
Mechanical Components
component number
flow diagram number
model number
serial number
size (e.g., pipe size, flow, critical velocity, etc.)
pressure rating
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